A Full-Service Law Firm
In Case You Missed It: Exit & Succession Planning for Business Owners - Creating a Strategic Plan to Ensure a Successful Transition to Retirement or Your Next Phase in Life (VIDEO)

In Case You Missed It: Exit & Succession Planning for Business Owners - Creating a Strategic Plan to Ensure a Successful Transition to Retirement or Your Next Phase in Life (VIDEO)

As a business owner, you’ve invested so much of your working life in your business – growing the business, managing your employees, putting out fires. And now your situation has changed – maybe planning for retirement; perhaps an unexpected event in your life has taken place; maybe it’s just the right time to “cash out”; or maybe it’s just time to take your life in a new direction.

The Gettry Marcus M&A Transaction Advisory Services Group presents Vishnick McGovern Milizio and The NYBB Group in the webinar Exit Planning for Business Owners, an interactive discussion that will help you navigate the challenging, and often emotional, decisions that need to be addressed as you start planning a for future exit from your business.

originally presented on March 2, 2023.

